Digital transformation is...
... a multistakesholder strategy that disrupts operations, people, mindset and culture (not just technology) in all areas of a company to meet changing business and market requirements
... digital technology that is integrated to a create new (or optimizes existing) business process focusing on data, agility, speed, and connectivity
... constantly rethinking the business itself by challenging the status quo, experimenting, and getting comfortable with failure
... utilizing the data and insights gained from customers habits and preferences
... all about delivering value and experience to an "always-connected" global customer (and employee)
... no longer a choice - must transform to survive (and do it securely)
Digitization vs. Digitalization
vs. Digital Transformation
The process of converting information from analog to digital
Using digitized information to make work simpler, faster and more efficient
Digital transformation (DX)
Changing processes and how business gets done.
Creating a new type or class of business
The Digital Transformation Goal
Frictionless business
Partner at scale
Hyper automation
Automated machine learning
Augmented intelligence
Human-in-the-Loop systems
“Internet of Thinking”
Intelligent distributed systems
Multi experiential
Let us help your organization digitally transform