Cyber Insurance Qualities
Fosters a shared security interest / goals
Promote awareness, measurement and incentives for risk reduction
Works with policyholders understand (and quantify) their risk to determine the coverage that they require
Uses technology to create a data driven "win-win" solution
Simplifies procedures (digitally) and enhances transparency on contracts, claims and payments
Automated using automated risk assessment and security lifecycle review (SLR) process
Quantitative assessments leveraging machine learning, replacing traditional Generalized Linear Model (GLM)
Continuous digital monitoring and assessment to measure cyber “hygiene” and change in risk profile
Facilitate aggregate data and information sharing for advanced predictive analytics
Utilize network effect to also improve traditional insurance coverage
Role of “Honest broker”
Be a trusted 3rd party
Not selling security products or services, but have the common goal of reducing risk
Helps to motivate behavior
Facilitates policyholders internal approval and budgeting
Reshape commercial incentive structure and drive standards
Fosters prevention (detect / proactive) vs. remediate (reactionary) mindset
Let us help you with cyber insurance